Jeffery Thompson

I have struggled in my journey, but it has helped me to be more knowledgeable with my body and the keto diet. I started this journey a little over two and a half years ago because my doctor said he was going to put me on more medication for my diabetes. It took me long enough, but I had finally had enough.
I was on 4 different medications for High Blood Pressure, another medication for high cholesterol and another medication for diabetes. The new medicines were expensive and designed to help me lose weight to help control my A1C levels.
I looked at my doctor and said “will you give me 4 months before you put me on more medication. I know that I can lose weight on my own to help control my A1C levels. “ He kind of reluctantly agreed, but he said that it was ultimately my health and I can do what I want. He just recommended that I go on the medication.I went home that day and immediately bought an e-book about losing weight for diabetics on the Keto diet. Since then. I have not looked back. I have gotten off of 4 different medications. I only take 2 now, one for high blood pressure and one for cholesterol. My goal is to go down to zero medications, but only on the advice of my doctor.
In this two and a half years, my journey has taken many turns. I am no longer on the same diet that I bought that day. I have changed to a program that is supported by my insurance. It is also a keto diet, even with more restrictions than what I was on. But through this program I have found food and drinks that I absolutely love and have no problems staying on the program.
I do not want to go too much into my journey on this page, just give an introduction. I plan on talking a lot more about it on the pages of my blog. You will find out how much pain I was in. See how unhealthy I looked and see how much healthier I look now.
Who Am I and What Makes Me Tick.
I am at the young age of 55 (only with a bit of sarcasm). 😊 Eastern Kansas of the United States is where my family and I reside and have lived here most of my life.
I am from a small to medium sized town in Kansas. Never lived in the country, but still consider myself a Kansas Hick. 😊 I was in my 40’s before getting married, never had any kids of my own. I married into a premade family. My wife had three children and 6 grandchildren at the time. We now have 11 grandchildren total.
My wife Cora is retired and I am employed by a clothing retailer at their warehouse in Kansas. I also have a part time job with the leading retailer in the world. I work at one of their stores taking out groceries to cars for their online shopping program.
Cora and I’s main hobby is our grandchildren. We love spending time with them and spoiling the heck out of them. We try to take them on small trips when we can and love the heck out of them at all times.
Two of our grandchildren live with us, two boys that are 16 and 14 years of age. Right now, we have twin boys that are 10 and their sister that is 6 that stay with us Monday night through Thursday morning. It is always busy at our house. 😊
The Yo-yo Dieter
I’ve been overweight most of my life and currently weigh less now than in High School. During High School, the weight would pile on and during the summer when working outside, the weight would fall off.
From college to my mid 50’s I would go on all the Fad diets of the time. Each time I would go on a diet, I would stay on it for 3 to 6 months, sometimes less. Then I would start eating the same way I always had. Each time I gained all the weight back plus about 5 to 10 pounds.
I was at 290lbs before finding the Ketogenic diet. Before that though, I have been on many diets. I believe my first on was “stop the insanity” by Susan Powters. Then it was Richard Simmons, “Sweating to the Oldies.” I tried Nutrisystem, Juicing, Intermittent fasting, Juice Fasting many more that I don’t even remember.
One of the diets I tried had me eat only apples one day, then the next day you could eat what you want. To this day I won’t touch a Red Delicious Apple. I will eat other types of apples, but usually never just eating a apple. It is usually in a salad or with other fruits and toppings.
Each time I would try a diet and then stop, I would become unhealthier and unhealthier. My blood pressure started rising, I developed an irregular heartbeat and then type II diabetes. Not all this was due to yo-yo dieting of course. It was just my bad choices in foods and unhealthy eating and drinking.
But thanks to that one day in the doctors office, I have changed my life around. Like I said earlier, it has not been perfect. I have gotten off of my diet a couple of times. But the funny thing about it, I kept eating the same type of foods I did with my Keto diet.
I would just add junk food. So it has been pretty easy for me to get back on the keto diet, because I love the foods I am eating.
I have learned so much through the journey of my weight loss endeavors that I have decided to start this blog. I hope that I am able to help others with all that I have learned through my bad habits and the good ones that I am developing.
